Cabin Monuments

Stowages / Doghouses

A330, A320

Our experienced employees are able to offer stowages like doghouses, wardrobes, dry galleys or special solutions like mission modules and electronic racks.
Our capabilities cover the design, production and repair of wall-, floor- and ceiling- mounted stowages.

In addition, we also offer soft stowage solutions like pouches and boxes.
We also support redesign of existing products identifying potentials for cost and weight reduction. These will be included in the new design.

Cabin Attendant Seat Moving Adapter


The CAS Moving-Adapter is an element in the smart lavatory concept to fix the cabin attendant seat on an articulated platform.
This concept allows the airlines to install an additional seat row as the cabin attendant seat is fixed to the galley during taxi, take-off and landing. Whilst in flight, the CAS is parked between the lavatory and the galley.

The CAS Moving-Adapter is a structural composite part, which hosts a latching system to fix the adapter in front of a galley.
As it is articulated to be turned by 270°, the hinges include a slip-ring to connect both signal and power routes.
Being a design and build project, E.I.S.-Aircraft designed the structural as well as the electrical parts.

Seat Block Device

Narrow Body

Aiming for greater passenger comfort, the purpose of the Seat Blocking Device is to allow the two passengers sitting in the window seat and the aisle seat to use more space.
It is attached to the seat with the existing seat belts and can therefore be quickly installed and uninstalled at any time. For installation, the straps are placed on the lower frame of the device, then connected and tightened.
The device can be equipped with different options e.g. non-slip storage area, cup holder, tablet holder, small stowage.

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